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International cooperation and exchange meeting on water pollution prevention and control action plan held

Release time:2020-10-27 

  Since the beginning of June, the main urban area of Taizhou has been plagued by stench from time to time, and the stench has rebounded significantly.

  "We have to find out the source of the stench." Zhang Weijian, director of Taizhou Environmental Protection Bureau, said that stench is the bottom line. We shoulAt the meeting, the Ministry of environmental protection, the national development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of water resources and other departments, on behalf of the international community, interpreted the formulation background, objectives, contents and implementation points of the water pollution prevention and control action plan in detail. At the same time, they discussed the topics of "urban water environment management" and "PPP and green finance for water pollution prevention and control".

  From June 8 to 9, the Ministry of environmental protection organized an international cooperation and exchange meeting on the "water pollution prevention and control action plan". The meeting aims to strengthen the understanding and support of Chinese and foreign parties for the "water pollution prevention and control action plan" promulgated by the State Council, promote the implementation of the "water pollution prevention and control action plan" with the help of international experience and international resources, and jointly discuss the "government leadership, enterprise governance and municipal governance" It is a "field driven, public participation" co governance model.

  At the meeting, representatives from the Ministry of environmental protection, the national development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of water resources and other departments explained the background, objectives, contents and implementation points of the water pollution prevention and control action plan in detail to the international community. At the same time, they discussed the topics of "urban water environment management" and "PPP and green finance for water pollution prevention and control".

  At the same time, the conference launched the environmental protection technology international intelligence platform (3ipet). When attending the 14th China International Environmental Protection Exhibition, Chen Jining, Minister of environmental protection, and other leading comrades visited the exhibition area of "international intelligent platform of environmental protection technology" and listened to relevant reports.

  Environmental protection technology international intelligence platform is an international, intelligent and integrated professional service platform for environmental protection technology, which aims to provide international technical support for the prevention and control of water, air and soil pollution.

  About 150 Representatives from relevant ministries and commissions, the United Nations Environment Programme, the world bank, some embassies in China, feasibility study institutions, and Chinese and foreign environmental protection enterprises participating in the formulation of the water pollution prevention and control action plan were invited to attend the meeting.d not evade responsibility and be responsible to the public.

  Director of environmental protection wakes up in the morning

  Yesterday, the municipal and District Environmental Protection Bureau organized a forum for the first seven enterprises and environmental volunteers in Shayan, Jiaojiang.

  Xu Mingchu, director of Jiaojiang Environmental Protection Bureau, first reported the occurrence of stench in the main urban area in June.

  On June 8, from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m., there are different degrees of chemical smell, and the stench is obvious.

  On June 12, there was a stench from afternoon to evening, no less than the first time.

  On Monday, June 15, a wide range of odor nuisance occurred in the main urban area.

  On June 18th, 20th, 21st and 22nd, the residents were disturbed by stench for four times in five days.

  On June 21, the stench occurred around 6 p.m., from north to south, from Jiaji area to Jiepai, with a wide range.

  June 22nd. It stinks all day.

  "Living in the southwest of the Development Zone, people smell the stench." Xu Mingchu said that at 3 a.m. on June 22, when he was sleeping with the window open, he was awakened by stink.

  Xu Mingchu said that their investigation found that when the stench was serious, people from the west to the sports world, the south to the junction of Hongjia and Luqiao, and even Luqiao maizhi bridge reported smelling the stench. "From 2012 to now, this situation is very rare."

  It is understood that in June, due to the college entrance examination, high school entrance examination and other reasons, the medical and chemical enterprises in waishayantou chemical industry zone were in a state of shutdown most of the time.

  The law enforcement officers of municipal and district environmental protection departments patrol day and night and go to work as usual on holidays to find out the cause of stench.

  In the process of inspection, environmental law enforcement officers found that almost every of the seven medical chemical enterprises had more or less problems, whether it was the organized or unorganized emission of waste gas, including problems in process, equipment and management.

  The implementation of enterprise joint management, since the results can not be found on the "LianZuo" punished

  "When the stench rebounds, what else can it develop?" Zhang Weijian said that enterprises bring pollution, not to mention social contribution.

  Zhang Weijian said that the seven medical and chemical enterprises in waishayantou first stopped production for a week, and the production equipment and three waste treatment facilities were overhauled.

  "In addition to finding out the source of odor, we must take environmental pollution seriously." Zhang Weijian said that it is necessary to strengthen the punishment. For the enterprises causing the accident, if they break the law once, they will be put on file for investigation and punishment; if they break the law more than twice, they will be punished daily; if they stop production for more than three times, they will resume production only when the rectification is in place, and the approval of new projects will be stopped for one year; if the circumstances are serious, they will be handed over to the judicial department.

  Zhang Weijian also required that the joint management mechanism be implemented for the medical and chemical enterprises in shayantou. Seven enterprises take turns to take the lead in organizing inspectors to inspect the chemical industry park. Each enterprise is responsible for one week, and the inspection results should be recorded. Once the stench is found, the inspection team of the week will identify which enterprise has the stench. If there is no identification result, all enterprises will be punished together.

  "All enterprises should jointly issue proposals and make commitments." Zhang Weijian said that enterprises should promise to produce in accordance with the law, strictly inspect and eliminate pollution, especially odor pollution. They should be responsible to the public, the government and the enterprises themselves. Once pollution is found, they should accept legal treatment and invite the public to supervise.

  Zhang Weijian said that the municipal and district environmental protection departments should also strengthen inspection and monitoring, especially on weekends, holidays and eight hour working hours. And introduce leakage detection technology.

  Zhang Weijian said that early warning mechanism should also be strengthened. Jiaojiang Environmental Protection Bureau, together with the meteorological department, should timely release the information of special meteorological production reduction and shutdown. Enterprises should also actively respond and report to the environmental protection department. If enterprises can't stop production, they must report it and have special safety measures.

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